Monday, September 13, 2010


Before starting this class I had no intention of ever having a twitter. I thought it was kinda pointless that all you used it for was to update other people on what you were doing. However, now that I am in 109 and 107 I see that it can be use for other purposes as well. Since I am new to twitter, I don't exactly know how to use all of its features. I do have a facebook and thought it was easy to figure out, but for some reason tagging things seems harder for me on twitter. I also need to figure out how to do direct messages. I know they are messages between another person and yourself, so I tried one out. However, I either didn't go about getting it started right or the other person didn't respond. Either way, I still have some work to do with keeping myself updated on twitter and figuring it out. Hopefully I will engage in an actually conversation sometime soon.

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