Saturday, September 11, 2010


In class we talked about privacy, and what it really meant. I was surprised to learn that websites were achieved. I had no idea that you could go back and look at old websites or things, even if they had been "deleted." This makes me nervous for my privacy online. When our professor showed us the video on how someone could pull up another person's chat on facebook I was a little creeped out. I thought chats were private, but what if other people could read my past chat history? There is nothing that I am worried about, or that someone couldn't read, but that is besides the point. I want what I say online to other people to be private, unless I willingly post something on someones wall on facebook that I know other people will be reading. It also creeps me out that there are ways around everything on the Internet. You may think your password and files stored online are safe, but half the time they aren't My own mother had her identity stolen awhile back when I was younger, and I remember how hard it was for her to fix everything that the criminal had done to her name. They ordered things online with her credit card and started online sites in her name. Now that I am older and understand things more, I can't imagine that happening to me. Privacy is a huge thing to people. If someone doesn't feel like they have privacy then they won't do something, However, the sad thing is that often times people feel like their information is secure when it isn't, and that is what continuously worries me about the Internet. I think we need to find more ways to keep information private for people, including having companies on and off the Internet work harder to keep their customers private information safe.


  1. I agree with what you said. It is amazing how much you can find out about a person just with what they have done on-line. It seems to be getting easier and easier for the "bad guys" to get any information they want. I see it everywhere, not just on the internet. When you go shopping now with your bank card, you don't even have to sign for it if it is under $50.00 in a lot of stores. How easy to grab someone's card and rack up all kinds of stuff. The same way it is for people to grab some info off of the internet and just take off with it. Like you said - "it creeps me out" too.

  2. Emily, I wasn't in class on the day we discussed privacy so I had no idea that people could view your facebook chats (although I can't say I use it very much because creepers always fb chat me haha). I always assume that everyone is technologically challenged as me, but there are a lot of people out there who know what they are doing and can get whatever they want off the internet. Its especially scary that kids, more than any other age, use the computer the most for social networking and are sometimes a little naive about what they are posting and what the information they are giving out can lead to. I almost feel like this lesson should be mandatory in like a Jr. High setting or something so that kids at a young age can be aware that the internet does have huge risks if you are not careful.
